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Stage proposal that portrays the architecture of a contemporary hell constituted by an endless labyrinth. Several terribly encouraging borderline landscapes, where men and women walk through walls in a constant effort to get nowhere. A metaphor of our dreams.

Humankind has created hell as a result of its hopes and there is nothing more human than the sentence of living within our own thoughts.



Choreography and General Direction: Francisco Córdova.

Scenic creators:  Paola Madrid, Karen de Luna Fors, Angélica Baños, Estefanía Dondi, Mariela Puyol, Irene Recio Madrid, Alfonso Aguilar, Adrian Arriaga Madrigal, Vladimir Rodríguez, José Ramón Corral, Tlathui Maza, Maximiliano Corrales , Carlos Zamora, Luis Vallejo, Alberto Pérez, Sergio Ornelas, Johnny Millán, Geovany Mora, Javier Diaz Dalannais and Francisco Córdova.


Regisseur: Alfonso Aguilar

Scene Direction: Alberto Pérez and Javier Diaz Dalannais

Set design: Fernando Feres.

Co-Lighting Design: Francisco Córdova and Fernando Feres

Programmer | Software Engineering: Raul Mendoza

Original music and sound design: Manuel Estrella.

Costumes: Aarón Mariscales.


Assistance in literary investigation: Cristhian Córdova

General Production: Itzel Schnaas / Fabrica Escena S.C. 

Executive Producer and Stage Manager: Lorena Azcona & Arturo Cruz 

Tour Manager and Production Assistance: Itzel Schnaas

Cultural Promoter Management and Promotion: Lorena Azcona

Manager Physical Momentum (Worldwide): Godlive Lawani


General Production: Fabrica Escena S.C.

Co-Production: PHYSICAL MOMENTUM, FABRICA ESCENA S.C. and Coordinación Nacional de Danza

Executive Associates: Jorge Arce, Alejandro Yañez, Itzel Schnaas

Art design and Publicity Campaign: Raúl Hernández

First campaign Design: ©Lugo

Photos: Gabriel Ramos, Gloria Minauro, Roberto Aguilar, Leopoldo Smith,

Carlos Alvar, Pili Pala, Jaime Martin, Antonio Rubio Inda

Scenography realization: Macedonio e Yván Cervantes

Scenic Operation: Antonio Garduño. Servicios Escénicos


Acknowledgements to

Jorge Arce, Alejandro Yañez, Carolina López, Fernando Barrios, Cuauhtémoc Nájera, Centro Nacional de las Artes > Extensión Académica, Coordinación Nacional de Danza, ATLAS México Biennial International, Dance Festival, Danzarium

* Piece picked for the Festival Internacional Cervantino. Gto, Mexico 2022

* Piece picked for the Conjunto Santander & XXV Festival Intl. Danza Jalisco. Gdl, Mexico 2022

Piece premiered at the Palacio de Bellas Artes co-produced through the National Dance Coordination INBAL & Fabrica Escena SC. CDMX, Mexico 2018

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