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PHYSICAL MOMENTUM | Francisco Córdova




Francisco Córdova is now positioned within the top performers, choreographers, and educators of the international performing arts market, participating in numerous meetings and festivals in over 30 countries around the globe. In Europe, he is currently considered one of the most representative educators and performers of the new contemporary dance scene.


He is the Director of the Company PHYSICAL MOMENTUM, Director of ATLAS MÉXICO Biennial International Dance Festival and Director/Founder of the civil company FÁBRICA ESCENA S.C. He has two master’s degrees: a Master in Theatrical Studies and Stage Direction, and a Master in Stage Lighting from Institut del Teatre in Barcelona, Spain. A Bachelor ́s Degree in Contemporary Dance from the National School of Dance (ENDCC) in Mexico. He also studied in Montreal, Canada with Le Jeune Ballet du Québec and in New York, U.S. with Ballet Hispánico.

He has an uninterrupted 22 yearlong artistic career. As a performer he has been part of several companies and projects throughout the past couple of decades. He was director of the Movement Techniques Platform for 10 years. Since 2006 he developed his methodological proposal BODY-ACTION, which he has shared through several workshops at the most important festivals, institutions, schools and arts centers internationally.

(AUSTRIA) SEAD- Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance; (HOLLAND) FONTYS Hogeschool voor de Kunsten; (BELGIUM) TicTac Art Center; (SPAIN) Deltebre Dansa Festival, (GERMANY) B12 Festival; (CANADA) Circuit-Est centre Chorégraphique, L’Artère, (GREECE) Kalamata International Dance Festival; (ISRAEL) Movement Research Israel, Kibbutz Program Hasadna & Masa; (FINLAND) ZODIAK Center for New Dance Helsinki; (UNITED STATES) Gybney Dance Center through Fail Space NYC; (RUSSIA) Классы Для Своих, DAAS; (CROATIA) Festival plesa i neverbalnog kazališta Svetvinčenat > Zagreb; (SINGAPORE) Xposition ‘O’ Contemporary Odt Dance Fiesta; (INDIA) Sanskar Festival, Atakkalari; (CZECH REPUBLIC) Konzervatoř Duncan Center; (ITALY) AND Academia Nazzionali di Danza de Roma, to mention a few; among other festivals, institutions, schools and private and independent studios.

Nowadays, his pedagogical proposal stands amongst the main vanguards in international dance education, positioning him as an essential piece within the pedagogical networks in Europe, Asia, and Latin America. He is a direct disciple of David Zambrano and his techniques. His choreographic speech has been performed in diverse stages and platforms of the performing arts scene, where he has always portrayed his creative profile.  

Francisco Córdova has conceived 25 productions for his own company Physical Momentum, and 21 external pieces such as commissions and collaborations for independent schools and companies, presenting his stage work in more than 150 national and international dance and theater festivals, forums and meetings

He has a record of 46 productions as a choreographer and producer.

The press qualifies him as “One of the 7 new emerging choreographers”; “An international reference and one of the most representative performers of the new Mexican dance scene” therefore being one of the most exemplary ambassadors of Mexican performing arts in the global horizon.

Throughout his career he has developed as a performer, choreographer, educator, and light designer in several meetings and festivals in Mexico, The US, Canada, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador, El Salvador, Panama, Guatemala, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Peru, Spain, Holland, Italy, France, Czech Republic, Ireland, Belgium, Switzerland, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Greece, Russia, Finland, Singapore, Israel, and India.

He has received several awards, residencies and grants in Latin America and Europe. He has received grants by the National Fund for Culture and Arts, FONCA, and the current System of Supports to Creation and Cultural Projects SACPC in Mexico.

PHYSICAL MOMENTUM | Francisco Córdova


  • Guest choreographer for SEAD- Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance; FONTYS Hogeschool voor de Kunsten; AND Academia Nazzionali di Danza de Roma; National Dance Company Mexico; Xposition 'O' Contemporary Dance Fiesta Singapore; EPDM Mazatlán Professional School of Dance, Классы Для Своих; National Dance Company Ecuador; to mention a few, among other dance companies and professional dance schools.

  • Subsidized of the Program “Mexico en Escena MEGA” 2020-2022 of the System of Supports to Creation and Cultural Projects (SACPC).


  • Work: "Be Careful What You Wish for" a production of the National Dance Coordination (Mexico) of the National Institute of Fine Arts premiered at the Palacio de Bellas Artes for the company's 11th Anniversary. Premier: Mexico City. 2018.


  • Subsidized of the Program for the Promotion of Cultural Projects and Coinversiones 2017-2018 of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts (FONCA). "Study of Routes and Bodies. Geography of a Training"


  • Creditor to the Artistic and Pedagogical Residence CC. Barceloneta 2017 "Meeting of Bodies" Physical Momentum, Cuatro x Cuatro y Proyecto al Margen.


  • Grant recipient of Mexico “National Grant Program for Performing Artist 2015-2016.       Category B“ given by National Fund for Culture and the Arts" (FONCA).

  • Grant recipient of Mexico National Grant Program for Performing Artist 2013-2014 the Young Creators Program given by National Fund for Culture and the Arts (FONCA).


  • Grant recipient of Mexico “National Grant Program for Performing Artist 2011-2012.       Category A by National Fund for Culture and the Arts" (FONCA).


  • Grant recipient of Mexico “National Grant Program for Performing Artist 2009-2010.        Category A by National Fund for Culture and the Arts" (FONCA).


  • Summer Program Award / International exchanges in Quebec City, Canada. With the Dance School and Company “Le Jeune Ballet du Québec". Dir: Didier Chirpaz


  • Summer Program Award / International exchanges in New York City, (US). With the Dance School and Company “Ballet Hispanico” from New York. Dir: Tina Ramirez


  • Grantee of the Dance Award for Young Performers 2007. Program for cultural promotion and artistic development given by the State Institut of Guanajuato for Culture and Arts.

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